Creston Bylaws


The most commonly used bylaws are available below.  Should you require information related to a bylaw not available on the website, please contact Town Hall.  

Please be aware that the bylaws may not be complete due to pending updates or revisions, an therefore, are provided for reference purposes only.  The Town of Creston does not warrant the accuracy or the completeness of the online data.  These bylaws should not be used for any legal purpose. 

Bylaw Sort descending Bylaw No.
Alarms Bylaw1932
Animal Care and Responsibility Bylaw1826
Board of Variance Bylaw1563
Building Bylaw 1394
Business Licence Bylaw1793
Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw1760
Cemetery Regulations and Operations Bylaw1824
Clean Air Bylaw1878
Commercial Revitalization Tax Exemption1988
Council Leave of Absence Bylaw1965
Council Procedures Bylaw 1875
Delegation of Authority 1855
Development Application Procedures1984
Development Cost Charges (Alice Siding)1463
Development Cost Charges (McLaren Street-Water)1331
Development Cost Charges Areas0898
Drainage Bylaw1417
Emergency Management Program Bylaw1960
Fees and Charges Bylaw1763
Fire Prevention and Hazard Control Bylaw1931
Fire Service Bylaw1928
Firearms, Bows, and Paintball Regulations Bylaw1725
Fireworks Regulation Bylaw 1778
Five Year Financial Plan (2025-2029)2018
Growing Communities Fund Reserve Establishment Bylaw1972
Heritage Designation Bylaw1531
Highway Encroachment Agreement Bylaw 1419
Inspection and Testing of Fire Protection Equipment Bylaw1930
Inter-Community Business Licence Bylaw 1890
Liquid Waste Admission Bylaw0840
Local Government Election and Assent Voting Bylaw1926
Mobile Home Parks Bylaw1393
Noise Control Bylaw1389
NW Blvd Local Area Plan Bylaw 1845
Official Community Plan Bylaw 1854
Open Burning Bylaw 1929
Parks, Trails and Public Places 1788
Permissive Tax Exemption 1967
Property Access Bylaw1981
Property Maintenance Bylaw1813
Property Purchase Reserve Fund Expenditure 1919
Protective Services Building Loan Authorization Bylaw1872
Rental Standards of Maintenance Bylaw1951
Residential Revitalization Tax Exemption 1944
Revitalization Tax Exemption Bylaw1918
Sewer Frontage Tax Bylaw1051
Sewer Rates and Regulations Bylaw1440
Sign Bylaw 1797
Solid Waste Management and Curbside Collection Regulations 1959
Tax Rates Bylaw2008
Traffic Regulations Bylaw 1546
Truck Regulation Bylaw1784
Water District Rates and Regulations Bylaw 1807
Water Frontage Tax Bylaw1050
Water Rates and Regulations Bylaw1439
Works and Services Bylaw1170
Zoning Bylaw 1958