Thinking about having a short-term rental? Here’s a few things to consider:
- Short-term rentals are permitted in an operator’s principle dwelling where they live for at least 8 months per year OR in a maximum of one attached accessory dwelling unit (secondary suite) where the operator lives in the principle dwelling in the same building.
- STRs are permitted in Zones R1-R6, CDNW, CN, CHS, CG, CDC, AG, but not as the primary use. Check out the Zoning Bylaw to see what zone your property is located in.
STRs must pay an annual business licence fee. Check out Town of Creston Business Licence fees.
STRs are required to have an up-to-date fire inspection (within three years). Fire Pre-inspection Checklist
STRs must only be advertised on a website that collects MRDT (Municipal and Regional District Tax).
A welcome booklet, including emergency contacts and other information, will be included within your application. The welcome booklet must be made available to all guests. Welcome Booklet
STRs require a Fire Safety Plan. Requirements for a Fire Safety Plan are included within your application. The plan must be made available to all guests. Fire Safety Plan
Every STR operator must maintain a daily register of guests and provide a copy to the Town upon request.
Unauthorized advertising a STR can result in bylaw enforcement actions including monetary penalties

Steps to Apply
Ensure your STR meets all applicable Zoning Bylaw and Business Licence Bylaw requirements.
Complete your Short-term Rental Business Licence Application
Complete your pre-inspection checklist, included within your application
Provide a Fire Safey Plan, included within your application
Wait for approval
Once approved, you may advertise your STR
Pay an annual STR business licence fee