Short-term Rentals

Thinking about having a short-term rental? Here’s a few things to consider: 

  • Short-term rentals are permitted in an operator’s principle dwelling where they live for at least 8 months per year OR in a maximum of one attached accessory dwelling unit (secondary suite) where the operator lives in the principle dwelling in the same building. 
  • STRs are permitted in Zones R1-R6, CDNW, CN, CHS, CG, CDC, AG, but not as the primary use. Check out the Zoning Bylaw to see what zone your property is located in. 
  • STRs must pay an annual business licence fee. Check out Town of Creston Business Licence fees.  

  • STRs are required to have an up-to-date fire inspection (within three years). Fire Pre-inspection Checklist

  • STRs must only be advertised on a website that collects MRDT (Municipal and Regional District Tax). 

  • A welcome booklet, including emergency contacts and other information, will be included within your application. The welcome booklet must be made available to all guests. Welcome Booklet

  • STRs require a Fire Safety Plan. Requirements for a Fire Safety Plan are included within your application. The plan must be made available to all guests. Fire Safety Plan

  • Every STR operator must maintain a daily register of guests and provide a copy to the Town upon request. 

  • Unauthorized advertising a STR can result in bylaw enforcement actions including monetary penalties


Steps to Apply


  • Ensure your STR meets all applicable Zoning Bylaw and Business Licence Bylaw requirements. 

  • Complete your Short-term Rental Business Licence Application 

  • Complete your pre-inspection checklist, included within your application 

  • Provide a Fire Safey Plan, included within your application  

  • Wait for approval 

  • Once approved, you may advertise your STR 

  • Pay an annual STR business licence fee