
The Town of Creston is the purveyor of potable drinking water to users connected to the Town of Creston community water system. The Town of Creston has an obligation to provide safe drinking water to the community. It does so through thorough quality control, an extensive distribution system, and maintaining multiple water sources and reservoirs. Creston’s water meets, or is better than, all federal and provincial health-related guidelines and is tested regularly to make sure standards are being upheld.

Water from Arrow Creek accounts for over 99% of the current potable water supply for the Town of Creston. The treated water is monitored for free chlorine residual as it enters the main Creston reservoir, and an automated chlorination dosing system compensates for any low chlorine residual that may be present, ensuring safe disinfection for Creston consumers. Additionally, the Town of Creston maintains two potable groundwater wells within the confines of Creston itself that are independently capable of providing an adequate potable water supply for the community. Want to learn more? 

View the 2024 Annual Water Report

View the 2023 Annual Water Report

View the 2022 Annual Water Report

Please note the enforcement of the regulations and issuance of water system permits are the responsibility of the Interior Health Authority.

Boil Water Advisories 

To view current water boil water advisories in Creston and the surrounding area, visit the following sites: 

RDCK Current Advisories

Water Advisory Map

More About Our Water