The Food Waste collection program is a beneficial initiative for the community. It will extend the lifespan of the Creston Landfill, reduce chemicals like methane, and leachate and help the community work towards a more sustainable future. The Class A compost produced in the Composting Facility will be made available for purchase by residents in the coming years, giving back to the community and improving Creston’s circular economy!
Food Waste Basics
- Food Waste will be collected weekly in a 45L Town-supplied Green Bin. Weight cannot exceed 18kg (40lbs).
- PLEASE NOTE: You must place your Town-supplied Green Bin at the curb on collection day. This bin indicates to the Collector that you are eligible for the curbside collection of Food Waste!
- Kitchen Catchers cannot be set out for collection as they are not made for curbside collection. They can break apart easily and can be missed due to their small size. They are also difficult for collectors to lift and tip.
- You do not have to line your Green Bin, but should you choose to do so, you must use a material that is 100% compostable including: paper bags, paper bin liners, or newspaper. Biodegradable and compostable plastic bags are NOT PERMITTED.
Accepted kitchen catcher and bin liners:
Kitchen catcher and bin liners must be made of 100% paper or paper with a cellulose liner. Bag to Earth is one locally available kitchen catcher/bin liner that is compliant and can be found at; Pealow’s Your Independent Grocer, Save-On-Foods and Home Hardware. All other bags (Biobag, Glad, and Western Family) are made of or contain compostable plastics, even if they look like paper. Other great bin liners include newspaper, parchment paper, Kraft paper bags, and paper take-out bags.

Prohibited: Compostable and Biodegradable Plastics
Unfortunately, at this time, the RDCK aerated windrow composting facility cannot accept compostable and biodegradable plastic materials. Anything that resembles plastic, even if it is a certified compostable product (i.e., BPI) must stay out. Bags, cutlery, bin liners and most containers that display compostable labeling will be made of a material called Polylactic Acid (PLA). PLA plastics break down to a specified degree, over a minimum period of time, when exposed to a certain minimum temperature and other physical conditions. Only a handful of facilities specialize in composting of compostable plastics and unfortunately, the composting facility at the RDCK Landfill does not operate under conditions that sufficiently biodegrade many of these products and they can leave a micro-plastic residue that may be harmful to soil organisms. The Regional District is trialing some of these PLA products in bio-solid windrows and may find they are acceptable. As of now, these products must be placed in your garbage.