
Talon Helicopters with LaSen Inc. is planning to perform low-level flyovers for FortisBC between April 26th and June 15th, 2024, during daylight hours, as authorized by Transport Canada.
This work is part of FortisBC’s annual inspection of its high-pressure transmission natural gas lines and is an important part of FortisBC's integrity management program. The low-flying helicopter uses LaSen’s aerial LiDAR detection technology to inspect the pipelines. This technology is used to detect any issues to ensure FortisBC’s system continues to operate safely, reliably and to plan maintenance activities accordingly.
The Regional District of Central Kootenay is one of 23 regional districts in BC that we will pass through during this time – the flight time over a single area will be minimal. There will be no activity on the ground related to flights. The flight schedule may vary depending on weather conditions and wildfires.
The local areas to be inspected include:
Creston Valley
Town of Creston
For more information on this inspection work, call 1-888-224-2710 or visit or Talon Helicopters at 604-214-3585.