New Release - Update on Homeless Shelter



The Creston Valley Den Society, working in collaboration with BC Housing, is seeking a permanent location for a homeless shelter. The establishment and operational funding for a shelter will be provided by BC Housing who develops, manages, and administers a wide range of subsidized housing options across the province. The Town of Creston has offered to provide facilitation support between the Society and community to foster solutions that are in the best interest of residents.

The Creston Valley Den Society operated the emergency homeless shelter at the former fire hall location for three-months between January and March. Currently, the Society and BC Housing are exploring the establishment of a permanent homeless shelter within Creston. The Town of Creston supports efforts to find solutions for the current unhoused community, and the Society will provide leadership and primary direction for finding a permanent location.

It was through the collaboration of the Society and BC Housing that a request be put forward to Council to determine the building’s viability at 1130 Canyon Street. The building is an empty “shell” and would require significant investment by BC Housing. The first consideration was whether there would be a willingness by BC Housing to invest in the building.

The exploration of 1130 Canyon Street as a potential option for establishing a homeless shelter has been concluded. A shelter for the unhoused will not be developed at that location.

With the building at 1130 Canyon Street no longer being considered for the placement of a homeless shelter, the Creston Valley Den Society will continue to search for a suitable location for a shelter.

Rezoning Process and Public Consultation

Should a suitable site for a homeless shelter be found, an application to the Town of Creston for a rezoning would be required. As legislated by the province, all applications for rezoning shall be considered by Council, and includes advertising and a public hearing. This process is essential for ensuring that any proposed land use is compatible with local planning objectives and community standards. The rezoning process involves an initial application review, followed by a public hearing where community members can express their opinions and concerns before Council.

If a rezoning application were to be presented to the Town to permit a homeless shelter, the date of the public hearing is required to be advertised for two weeks, including in the local newspaper. Residents within 60 metres of the proposed rezoning property would be individually notified by mail. During the public hearing, any person who believes that their interest in property is affected will be given opportunity to be heard and/or to submit written submissions prior to the hearing.

The Town of Creston remains committed to transparency, community engagement, and the well-being of all residents. The Town understands the significance of finding solutions that are not only effective but also reflective of our community's values and needs. Establishing and operating a shelter for the unhoused is not a core level of service that Council is seeking the Town of Creston to provide, but Council will continue to be supportive of those who wish to find solutions to our community challenges.