Energy Step Code

The BC Building Code requires that all new builds must be 20 per cent more energy-efficient than the previous base building code requirements, which is Step 3 for Part 9 buildings, and Step 2 for Part 3 buildings.

  1. The builder/owner works with an energy advisor from the design phase to create a model (energy efficiency target) for the new build. 
  2. Find a local Energy Advisor 
  3. The Energy Advisor provides a standardized “pre-built” report that is to be submitted at the time of building permit application.

4. The builder/owner and energy advisor stay in communication throughout the build. The energy model is updated with any changes to the design (e.g. window specification updates, mechanical system exchange, insulation level change, etc).

5. Optional but advised: mid-construction blower door test conducted by energy advisor to find any air leaks and allow repair BEFORE seal-up stage.

6. Watch the mid-construction blower door test case study and an on-site training demo below:

7. Final inspection and air-tightness test conducted by the energy advisor.  The energy advisor submits a standardized “as-built” report to the AHJ following construction and prior to final inspection or occupancy, to verify air tightness and energy performance.

8. An occupancy permit can be issued if the minimum required energy efficiency is achieved, as verified by the energy advisor in the “as-built” report.